Saturday, March 12, 2011

Reasons why you know it's that time....weight loss time

1. When you start getting those "oh, she's gotten big" looks from the home-towners at your local maw-and-paw grocery store.

2. Someone looks through your old high school yearbook and says "no, really, where are you at in here? That's not you...doesn't look anything like you." Gee...thanks.

3. When your jeans are so tight they've caused the most horrible fashion crime ever known to modern man: Camel toe...if you don't know, I'm not explaining.

4. Your calves have gotten so big that your loose-fitting socks make an indention in your lower leg/cankle (formerly known as ankle) area.

5. You're afraid to put on control top panty hose because one fatal move and your stomach will unfold like a cracked open can of crescent rolls. (Thank you Jen Lancaster and your memoir "Such a pretty fat")

6. FUPA...enough said. Look it up.

7. What used to be one, distinctive chin has now become more of a bumpy chin trio...oh God...the only thing worse could be a double-chin/facial hair duo.

8. When you go to extra drastic measures to over-do your hair and make-up to make up for how utterly fat and gross you feel. (Hey, but at least you've got cute hair, right?)

9. When your dad tells you he thinks your not married because you are "chubby". Ouch. For real.

10. When the words "small" and "medium" sound like foreign language.

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